Leisure for Life – Public Health England support a new Active Lambeth

Moving our bodies is one of the best ways to keep and feel well. Physical activity can help prevent many health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some cancers. Similarly, for those with existing health problems, physical activity can help manage these conditions; that is why being active is often said to be the best medicine.

Whatever your age, you can benefit from being active. For children and teens, physical activity is necessary for bone and muscle, basic motor skills and can help them learn and think. For adults, physical activity maintains muscle strength and increases cardiorespiratory fitness and bone health. Among older people, physical activity helps to maintain health, suppleness, independence and enhances social participation. It also helps to prevent falls and assists in chronic disease rehabilitation.

It is important to weave activity into our everyday lives, for instance through active travel, doing household chores and gardening. The new leisure service also offers a range of activities, regardless of your age, and level of fitness. Staff are also trained to provide support to those with specific health conditions. Being physically active remains one of the most critical components for our health and mental wellbeing.

Public Health England – Lambeth Council.