Active Health encompasses our vision of providing a inclusive, accessible physical activity for all. We’ve created active programmes to promote health and wellbeing for all Active Lambeth members.
SEND Programme
Inclusive Swim
A casual swim session for all ages; aimed at rebuilding confidence in the water. This session is especially good for those who have health conditions such as arthritis, disabilities and during rehab after an accident or an injury.
Indoor Rowing Club – Coming soon
Weekly indoor rowing sessions are a FREE activity run in collaboration with London Youth Rowing (LYR), in which we participate as hub members as part of their School and club rowing development programmes.
Our LYR rowing coach guides young people through core strength building indoor sessions run on Tuesdays from 5pm-6.30pm at the Brixton Recreation centre. Inclusive rowing sessions are first come first served, no booking required.
Inclusive Junior Gym
Inclusive Junior Gym sessions offer a safe, inclusive and welcoming fitness environment for young people to experience the same positive mental, physical and social health benefits of exercise as adults do.
Juniors aged 11-15 years old wishing to use the gym must complete an induction with a parent/guardian present.
Once in the gym, the parent/guardian will be responsible for the young person and will train in direct line of sight of the Junior, following the guidance set out by an AL Fitness Advisor. This is on a ratio of 1 adult to 1 junior.
Wheelchair Basketball
Wheelchair basketball is an inclusive sport that essentially means anyone can play irrespective of age, ability, gender etc.
You don’t need to be a wheelchair user to get involved in wheelchair basketball and, in addition, people who are non-disabled are also welcome to play and compete within the UK – making it a great sport to play alongside friends and family.
No specialised equipment is needed to get started; your local club will be more than to happy provide you with a sports chair and advice.
Inclusive Adult Gym
Our inclusive adult gym sessions provide an opportunity for participants to address mobility issues, weakness or tightness in the body with a tailored fitness regime for all fitness goals and abilities.
Active Seniors
Active Lambeth is excited to launch a new and revised programme for seniors, Active Seniors!
Active Seniors is a new programme of classes and activities tailored for older adults, available across Active Lambeth leisure centres. These sessions will help people to enjoy an exciting variety of regular physical activities.
Join us to improve your strength, balance and flexibility with Physical Activity Instructors who are qualified to provide activities to older adults.
Active Lambeth is committed to providing physical activities to improve the physical, mental and emotional well-being of senior residents.
Concessions are available for those over the age of 60 years and for those with disabilities. See concessionary discount information.
Schedule timetable is subject to change, please check online or with the Active Lambeth App for the up to date times when booking.
Active Senior Sessions*
Active Senior Club – Badminton, Short mat Bowls and other activities
10:00 – 12:30 pm
Active Senior – Body Conditioning
West Norwood
12:00 – 12:55 pm
Active Seniors – Aqua
09:00 – 09:55 am
Active Senior Club – Badminton, Short mat Bowls and other activities
10:00 – 12:00 pm
Active Seniors Aqua Aerobics
10:30 – 11:20 am
Active Seniors Dance Aerobics
12:30 – 1:25 pm
Active Seniors Aqua Aerobics
12:00 – 12:55 pm
Active Seniors Social Dance
2:00 – 2:55 pm
Active Seniors Social Dance
Active Seniors Club – Badminton, Short mat Bowls and other activities
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Active Seniors Chair Based exercises
12:45 1:40
Active Seniors Legs Bums & Tums
12:30 – 1:25
Active Senior Club – Badminton, Short mat Bowls and other activities
10:00 – 12:30 pm
Active Senior Club – Badminton, Short mat Bowls and other activities
12:00 – 2:00 pm
*Timetable is subject to change, please check online or the Active Lambeth App for up to date times when booking.
GP Referral
Active Lambeth GP referral
Weight Management Schemes
Our Weight Management Programme aims to assist Lambeth residents maximise physical activity and creating meaningful lifestyle changes.
To continue striving towards an active lifestyle, Active Lambeth will offer those who have completed the NHS Guy’s and St Thomas’ Tier 2, Healthy Weight Programme a discounted membership to all Active Lambeth leisure centres.
To be eligible for discounted membership, you need to have completed the NHS Guy’s and St Thomas’ Tier 2, Healthy Weight Programme in the Lambeth Borough.
To apply, please speak to your NHS Guy’s and St Thomas’ Healthy Weight Team on 0203 049 5242.